Available courses

Course Image Managing Energy efficiency

Achieving the efficient use of energy is now vital for sustainability. Energy efficiency is a measure of how well a system uses the available energy potential of its inputs. The goal of managing it is about using less energy to provide the same level of service, thus conserving our energy resources during production, operations, and disposal of systems. The impact goes beyond environmental concerns; it also has implications on the range of vehicles, the cost of operations, and the future of a system. With this course we will learn how to manage the use of energy to perform all activities with less energy consumption.

Course Image Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy for Industrial Processes

Using energy efficiently allows performing all activities by saving money. Benefits show the economic and environmental advantages that EE measures create. Industries can improve their competitive edge by reducing costs for the efficient use of energy in their production processes at the same time this contributes with the environmental care, therefore the benefit is not only from the costs saved but also due to the value-added from eco-friendly production systems and company reputation generated by social and environmental responsibility´s good practices.

Course Image <span lang="en" class="multilang">Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change</span>  <span lang="es" class="multilang">Adaptación y Mitigación al cambio climático</span>
The course of Adaptation and mitigation of climate change offers the opportunity to learn more about the impact of greenhouse gas emissions.
Course Image Disaster Risk Reduction & Risk Management

The policy objective of anticipating and reducing risk is called disaster risk reduction (DRR). Although often used interchangeably with DRR, disaster risk management (DRM) can be thought of as the implementation of DRR, since it describes the actions that aim to achieve the objective of reducing risk.

Disaster risk is an indicator of poor development, so reducing disaster risk requires integrating DRR policy and DRM practice into sustainable development goals.

Course Image The Green Supply Chain Certified Professional Program
The Green Supply Chain Certified Professional Program.


La articulación derechos humanos en grupos vulnerables como son los niños, niñas, adolescentes y personas con discapacidad que se desarrolla en el presente Diplomado, responde a la necesidad de asegurar la formación en derechos humanos con enfoque a esta población que permita fortalecer las capacidades de estudiantes y profesionales, sobre de aquellos que presten servicios a esta población; Formación que debe partir de la reflexión y comprensión de los derechos en torno a los mismos, promoviendo una cultura de los derechos humanos, las políticas públicas y los temas relevantes para la vejez.

Course Image Digitizing the Supply Chains

Digitizing supply chains is a trend that continues to grow. The purpose of this course is to introduce you to some of the important key success factors of digital supply chains and show how the digitization trends are affecting supply chains and highlight some key benefits and challenges associated with such development. This course also examines the impact of digitizing supply chains over the main lean manufacturing tools and the seven common manufacturing wastes. The course will help to improve efficiency in the supply chain by digitalizing the main process and visibility contributing to making lean manufacturing tools more effective. Also, students will understand the difference between the process of digitizing and the digitalization of supply chains. At the end of this course, the students will know how digital supply chains can help organizations to tackle the seven types of manufacturing wastes, gain flexibility, improve the efficiency and sustainability of the supply chains.       

Course Image Gestión de Emergencias y Logística Humanitaria

El curso de gestión de emergencias está diseñado para fortalecer las capacidades de respuesta ante desastres y una adecuada gestión de la Logística Humanitaria.

Course categories

Specialization in climate change and environmental sciences

In today’s competitive market place, customers are increasingly demanding that organisations demonstrate a commitment to Quality Management and continual improvement. To meet these requirements, more organisations are choosing to have their quality management systems certified to demonstrate their commitment.

Understanding the problems and issues within the respective fields of logistics and supply chain are invariably complex and require clear reasoning and analysis. More so, the decision making in supply chain management often requires not only technical competencies from those individuals involved, but also requires them to possess competencies of a more managerial nature.

Get specialist skills and knowledge about the most important issues related to the sustainability of agricultural production and food security.

The information technology market is large by itself, from biggest corporate customers to almost every individual, and is large also because it is part of many other industrial domains, from cars, aeronautics, to biotechnologies and food processing.

Engineering and earth science

Knowledge of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is an increasingly sought after skill in industries from agriculture to public health. 

Professional Training courses   

<span lang="en" class="multilang"> Continuing education</span>

<span lang="es" class="multilang">Educación continua </span>

<span lang="en" class="multilang"> Postgraduate degrees</span>

<span lang="en" class="multilang">Professional certificate</span>

<span lang="en" class="multilang"> Master's degrees</span>

Learn the tools and techniques to manage the comprehensive project management life cycle for a project - from initiation through closing.

<span lang="en" class="multilang"> PHD</span>

Cursos de ciencias sociales

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